Ongoing Projects
North Sea
- Sand Transport modeling in subsea well to Offshore Platform.
- Water Hammer Study of water injection network
- Tank Safeguarding Calculations
- Firewater Steady State hydraulics
- FERA Study of eductor modifications (Inclusive of CFD modelling of Blast study)
Middle East
- 3 number of Water pipeline sizing and Surge Study
- Minimum facility wellhead platform Design (Process and Safety engineering services)
- Pre-FEED support to Oil and gas facility upgrade
- Stress Analysis of Heater outlet lines.
- Distillation Column replacement with simulation and Column Hydraulics
- Styrene tank QRA KAPL
- Process Engineering Support (All process calculation such as PSV, Hydraulics, pumps, control valve, PDS, IPDS) for existing plant with change in product.
Other Location
- Preparation of Safeguarding document and flare/vent system hydraulic.
- Mechanical Integrity study for USA based client.
- EIV assessment of tank farm area for USA based client.